Online reporting form
If you do need to report an issue with your rental property then you can do it online by completing the from at the bottom of this page.
We use the services of a number of local tradesmen to attend to any repairs, subject to the landlord's approval. In the case of extensive works, it is normal practice for the landlord to obtain more than one quotation.
- Report a maintenance repair
Should you wish to report a maintenance problem with your property please fill out the maintenance form giving details of the problems. The more information you can provide, the better, as this will greatly assist us in ensuring the right contractor can attend
Don't forget that although AVENUE Property manage the property on behalf of the Landlord, unless it is an emergency, we are required to obtain the Landlords authorisation to carry out maintenance and act in accordance with the Landlords instructions.
Our office hours are between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. All maintenance issues are acknowledge - if you do not receive a confirmation acknowledgment email please call us on 01656 773345.
- Emergency
In the event of a genuine emergency outside of working hours please see our emergency page [or by clicking here].
Emergency repairs means those repairs which are necessary to alleviate, remove or reduce risk to the safety, security or health of a tenant, the general public or the property.
Report your maintenance issue here
We operate an online maintenance/repairs reporting system for your property. This allows you the convenience of being able to report repairs at any time of the day, so we can dealt with them promptly and efficiently.
Please ensure that you complete the online form as thoroughly as possible, with a full description of the issue.
If you need to send us any pictures please email us the details.
Maintenance Issues Reporting Form
Please use this form to send us details of your property, and we will contact you to discuss your particular requirements without obligation.